Are you looking for the best places to sell textbooks online & locally? Then you are in the right place. Here is the complete collection of the best places to sell textbooks.
Selling used items can be a very good option to make some extra money. Especially, we need to sell those items that we don’t use anymore. That way we will bag some extra money.
Selling used textbooks can be a very good way to make extra money. When your semester end, you need to sell your textbooks without any hesitation. Because if you keep your books on the bookshelf then it will create junk. So, you need to choose the best places to sell textbooks in order to make the most money.
Nowadays, there are lots of places available where you can sell your textbooks online & locally. You need to choose a couple of the best places that will offer you the best price for your books.
So, let’s see which are the best places to sell textbooks online & locally.
The Best Places To Sell Textbooks Online
1. BookScouter

BookScouter is the best platform that you can use to sell your textbooks online. You will get the opportunity to make the most money by selling your textbooks through this platform. Because it compares the prices of more than 30 buy-back vendors. That means you can choose the best vendor to sell your textbooks.
First of all, you need to type the ISBN number of your textbooks. You will find the ISBN number at the back of your textbooks. It is a long number. When you pick the best buy-back vendor, you need to ship your textbooks for free. Once the vendor receives your books, you will get paid. Selling potential will depend on the popularity and condition of your books.
2. Decluttr

Decluttr is one of the best places to sell various items like CDs, DVDs, Video games, tech, lego, and books as well. To sell your books, you need to type the barcode of your books. After that, they will offer you a selling price for your items. If you accept the offer, you can send your items to them for free.
After receiving your item, they will pay you via direct deposit, check, or PayPal. Therefore, use this platform to sell your textbooks.
3. Cash4Books

If you are a college student and wish to sell your textbooks then you should try the Cash4Books platform. It works similarly to other websites. You have to type the ISBNs number from your books, get the offer, accept it, and ship it with their prepaid shipping label for free. You will be get paid via check or PayPal.
However, you can’t sell antique books on this platform. If you want to sell antique books then you should look for another platform.
4. BooksRun

BooksRun is another best platform that will buy textbooks directly from you. Also, they will give you other available offers to sell your textbooks. First of all, you need to enter the ISBNs number, get the offer, accept it, and ship your books with a prepaid shipping label for free. You will get your payment within 4 days via check or PayPal.
Moreover, they have an android and apple app to scan the barcode. It will make your job easier. You don’t need to type the ISBNs number to sell your books.
5. BookFinder

BookFinder has been in this business since 1997. It is one of the best places to sell textbooks online. It is very similar to BookScouter. However, they don’t compare with many vendors like BookScouter. So, you need to try BookScouter first before trying this platform.
6. eCampus

eCampus is the best platform to sell and buy textbooks. It is a fun site to sell your textbooks, because of their rewards program. Like other websites, you have to type the ISBNs number of your books. Also, you can add multiple ISBNs using a comma to separate them. After that, choose your payment method (PayPal, Direct Deposit, Check, In-Store credit). Next, ship your books for free and get paid.
You can sell various types of books such as textbooks, novels, biographies, non-fiction, and anything else that you have on your bookshelf.
7. TextbookRush

TextbookRush is another platform that will allow you to sell your textbooks at the best price. If you want to sell multiple books at once, you can do that as well by entering multiple ISBNs. After that, you will get various offers. When you choose the best offer, ship your items to them for free with their prepaid shipping label. You will be get paid via cash, Paypal, and store credit.
There are over a million textbooks listed on this platform for sale in different subjects. They also have an iPhone app so that you can easily list your books on this platform for sale.
8. ValoreBooks

ValoreBooks is one of the best places to sell textbooks online without any hassle. Simply, enter the ISBNs number of your textbooks and get the best offers. Then print out the prepaid shipping label and send it to them. Next, you will be get paid via check or PayPal. Moreover, ValoreBooks has a minimum of $15 order so that you have to sell multiple textbooks to reach that level.
Furthermore, they will evaluate your books to see whether your books are in a good condition or not. If your books are damaged, you may get a low price for that.
9. BookByte

BookByte can be a very good option to sell your old books that are lying around your bookshelf. Like other websites, enter the ISBNs number of your textbook. After that, see how much BookByte offers you. If you accept the offer then you will get a shipping label to ship your book to them. You have to send your book within 7 days otherwise, it will be invalid.
When BookByte receives your books, you will get your payment via PayPal or check.
10. TextbookBuyer

TextBook Buyer can be a very good option to sell books that are in a good condition. You don’t have to pay anything to sell your books. TextBook Buyer will bear all the costs like shipping. You can enter up to 100 ISBNs from the back covers of your textbooks.
TextBook Buyer processes their payment only via check. They also claimed that it sends out checks as soon as the books arrived.
11. CampusBooks

CampusBooks works similar to BookScouter. It will compare buy-back prices so that you will get the most money for your textbooks. It will compare dozens of buy-back companies to bring you the best textbook buy-back prices.
When you pick the best company to sell your textbooks, you will get a free shipping label to ship your books to the buyer. Most of the buyback companies offer cash, check, PayPal, and store credit payments.
12. SellBackYourBook

If you want to sell your textbooks directly to any platform, you should use SellBackYourBook. They have paid over 10 million dollars in textbooks buybacks. Moreover, they have a mobile app that makes it easier to list your books quickly.
Like other websites, you need to enter the ISBNs number of textbooks to get the best price offer for your books. When you accept their offer, you will get a prepaid shipping label to send your items to them. You will get your payment via check or PayPal within 3 business days.
13. Amazon

Amazon is the world’s largest eCommerce platform. You might know this place to buy different items, but you can use this site to sell your books. For that, you need to go to their trade-in store and click on the Kindle E-Readers. Next, you have to type the ISBN number of your book or name.
After that, Amazon will ask you a few questions about your book condition whether it is in a good condition or not. You need to answer honestly. Don’t try to utter lies about your books. Because if they found your books in a bad condition then they will not take your books. You will be get paid via Amazon gift cards.
14. Barnes & Noble

Barnes & Noble is another site that will buy your used textbooks. However, you need to sell at least $10 worth of books in order to complete your total order. You can enter multiple ISBNs by separating them with commas. After receiving your books, they will process your payment via check or PayPal. It can take up to 2 weeks to process your payment.
15. Chegg Books

Chegg Books is one of the best places to sell textbooks online. You can sell any type of textbook on this platform. First of all, you need to enter the ISBN number of your textbook. After that, they will offer you the best price for your textbook. Next, print your free shipping label and ship your books to GoTextBooks. You will be get paid when they will receive your textbooks.
16. FirstClassBooks

FirstClassBooks is the best place to sell your textbooks as well as graphing calculators. You have to list your item on this platform. Next, you have to send your items for free using the U.S. Postal service or FedEx. You will get your payment via check or PayPal.
17. CKY Books

CKY Books can be used for selling movies, CDs, and books. However, your books must be met with a $20 amount to get a free shipping label. Shipping will be made via FedEx for free. You will be get paid via check or PayPal.
18. TextbookX

TextBookX works similarly to Amazon. You will sell your books as an independent seller. First of all, you need to list your books on this platform and wait for the buyer. When your item sells, you have to pay a 15% commission of the selling price to TextBookX plus $1.50. However, you will receive a small shipping credit to offset shipping costs. You will get your payment via PayPal or store credit.
19. AbeBooks

AbeBooks is the best platform that you need in order to sell vintage books with no ISBN number. They will buy your books directly from you. You don’t need to wait for buyers to sell your books anymore. The shipping process is free via FedEx.
The Best Places To Sell textbooks Locally
20. Student2Student

Student2Student is a different type of platform that will let you sell your textbooks to the real students near you. All you need to do is list your books on this platform and wait for the real students to buy them. When anyone shows interest to buy your books, meet up with him or her to exchange money and books.
It can be a very good option to sell your books locally. So, use this platform if you wish to sell your books to the real students near you.
21. NextDoor

If you think NextDoor is a selling app, you are mistaken. It is one kind of social network that connects you with your neighborhood online. There are lots of people available that use this platform to sell various items in their neighborhoods. You can do that as well by promoting your books on this platform.
However, there is a low chance to sell your books through this platform. For that reason, don’t rely on this platform try other sites as well.
22. OfferUp

OfferUp is a very good app to sell anything online and locally. If you wish to sell your books online, you have to pay a 12.99% service fee for items that are shipped.
OfferUp has got an android and iPhone app to sell anything easily. It will find your location to connect you with local customers. You can communicate with buyers directly from the app. Also, users can rate one another as well. That means there are fewer chances to end up with a fraud customer.
23. LetGo

LetGo is another website or app that will allow you to find local customers to sell your textbooks. It is available in major cities like New York, San Francisco, Chicago, etc.
You can list your books on this platform to wait for a buyer. LetGo giving the buyer opportunity to negotiate the price. That is why you need to place your price high so that you could sell your books at a profitable price.
24. Craigslist

Craigslist is the best place that you can use for selling anything locally. It is an online platform that lets you list your items for sale for free. However, you need to wait for local buyers to sell your items. When anyone shows interest to buy your items, you need to fix a meeting to change money and items. Always choose a public place and get payment via cash.
25. Facebook Marketplace
Facebook marketplace is a free platform that will allow you to sell anything for free locally or shipped. However, if you want to sell your textbooks locally then you need to live in a place where lots of college students are available. Otherwise, you might not get any chance to sell your textbooks. In that case, you need to choose another website to sell your textbooks.
26. Sell Your Textbooks at College Campus
Selling your used or old textbooks at your college campus can be a very good option. Because you don’t need to pay any commission for that. That way you can sell your textbooks in a safe place. For that, you need to find a buyer that needs your books. You can advertise your books on the bulletin board. Therefore, use this method if you need to sell your books in a hurry.
There are lots of options available to sell your textbooks online and locally. You just need to pick the best places to sell textbooks. I will recommend trying different places to sell your textbooks. That way you will increase your selling potential.
Remember, you need to place the right price for your books. Otherwise, you will lose the potential to sell your books. For some reason, you may need to reduce your book’s price. As soon as the semester ends, try to sell them instantly so that you get the best price.
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